About Me

Best Recruiter In New York

Whether you're looking to hire new staff or find a new job, Bernhardt Talent Management Group can help. I strive to match the right candidates to the right roles, and I am committed to delivering an efficient, customized service that works for all my clients in New York. A process of identifying the vacant position, hiring the suitable person, developing the skills and expertise of the person to match the position and retaining him to achieve long-term business objectives. My experience means I have an eye for connecting talent to businesses throughout the area. Covering a range of appointments including permanent, part-time and temporary, contact me through my contact form to see how I can assist.

My Business Ethos

I have the required commitment and determination to ensure both candidates and clients receive the same great service. With experience in various industries I understand the skills needed to excel in a broad range of roles and businesses. Candidates are assessed so clients can be confident that potential interviewees are a good fit with organisational values and with the experience or ambition needed. Good employees get paired with good jobs, what's not to love?

Hiring Made Easy

Are you looking to solve your recruitment challenges? Is finding the most suitable employees what you need to achieve your business goals? I am committed to finding and deploying a top-notch workforce for my clients. My recruitment strategy is designed to simplify your recruitment challenges by providing you with the perfect candidates for your role as quickly and efficiently as possible.


24/7 availability
Free consultation
Wifi on the premises

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